- Chrome
- 7 Vs. 8
- Gladiator
- Seasick
- Wheelchair Epidemic
- Dancing Naked Ladies
- Mouth Breather
- Sunday You Need Love
- Glamorous
- Deaf as a Bat
- Lady Shoes
- Killer McHann
- Bloody Mary
- Monkey Trick
- Uncommonly Good
- Test
- Blockbuster
- Fly on the Wall
- White Hole
- Anna
- I Can Learn
- Horse Doctor Man
- Eucalyptus
- A Tale Of two Women
- Cold Water
- And Then the Rain
- Postcoital Glow
- Until It Stopped To Die
- Soft Damage
- Happy Snake
- Needles For Teeth
- Terremoto
- Fly on the wall
- Mistletoe
- Countless backs of sad losers
- Queen for a day
- The associate
- Destroy before reading
- Low rider
- 50¢
- American BB
- Horse
- Din
- Elegy
- The best parts
- Then Comes Dudley
- Mouth Breather
- Nub
- Seasick
- Monkey Trick
- Karpis
- South Mouth
- Lady Shoes
- Rodeo In Joliet
- One Evening
- S.D.B.J.
- My Own Urine
- If You Had Lips
- 7 vs 8
- Pastoral
- Waxeater
- Good Thing
- Tight N Shiny
- Killer McHann
- Cold Water
- Inflicted by Hounds
- Eyesore
- Valentine
- Needles for Teeth
- Glamorous
- Deaf as a Bat
- Lady Shoes
- Killer McHann
- Bloody Mary
- Monkey Trick
- Boilermaker
- Gladiator
- The Art Of Self-Defense
- Slave Ship
- Puss
- Whirl
- Rope
- Perk
- Zachariah
- Dancing Naked Ladies
- Untitled
- Wheel Chair Epidemic
- Dancing Naked Ladies (Single Version)
- Gladiator (Demo)
- Boilermaker (Demo)
Live in Umea Open, Sweden - 27-03-99
- Yow Speaks
- Glamorous
- I Can Learn
- Thumbscrews
- Horse Doctor Man
- Eucalyptus
- Blue Shot
- Seasick
- Gladiator
- Puss
- Then Comes Dudley
- Wheelchair Epidemic
- Blockbuster
- Monkey Trick
- Yow Speaks Again
- Yow Speaks Even More
Live Max's On Broadway 23-08-92
- Mouth Breather
- killer Mchann
- Gladiator
- Nub
- Karpis
- Lady Shoes
- Whirl
- Zachariah
- Dancing Naked Ladies
- If You Had Lips
- Wheelchair Epidemic
- Puss
- Boilermaker
- Noise
- Monkey Trick
- Seasick
Live Uptown Bar, Minneapolis 11-03-90
- Bloody Mary
- One Evening
- Starlet
- Blockbuster
- If You Had Lips
- Lady Shoes Joke
- Lady Shoes
- Chrome
- Mouthbreather
- 7 vs 8
- Encore Banter
- Tight 'N Shiny
- Rabid Pigs
- Killer Mchann
- Blockbuster
- Bloody Mary
- Rabid Pigs
- Starlet
- Happy Bunny Goes Fluff Fluff Along
- Thumper
- Blue Shot
- Thumb Crews
- Good Riddance
- Mailman
- Skull Of A German
- Trephination
- More Beautiful Than Barbie
- Too Bad About The Fire
- Churl
- Now Then
- Inamorata
- Pervertedly Slow
- Glamorous [Live]
- Deaf as a Bat [Live]
- Seasick [Live]
- Bloody Mary [Live]
- Mistletoe [Live]
- Nub [Live]
- Elegy [Live]
- Killer McHann [Live]
- Dancing Naked Ladies [Live]
- Fly on the Wall [Live]
- Boilermaker [Live]
- Puss [Live]
- Gladiator [Live]
- Wheelchair Epidemic [Live]
- Monkey Trick [Live]
11/6/09 Variety Playhouse - Atlanta, GA
- Puss
- Gladiator
- Seasick
- Killer McHann
- Glamorous
- Mouth Breather
- Dancing Naked Ladies
- Thumper
- My Own Urine
- Destroy Before Reading
- Monkey Trick
- Boilermaker
- Blue Shot
- Chrome
- 7 Vs. 8
- Then Comes Dudley
- Bloody Mary
- Thumbscrews
- Fly On The Wall
- Wheelchair Epidemic
- Nub
- If You Had Lips
- Blockbuster