Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jack Endino

Jack Endino is a music producer and musician based in Seattle. Long associated with Seattle label Sub Pop and the grunge movement, Endino worked on seminal albums from bands such as Mudhoney, Soundgarden, and Nirvana. Endino has maintained a down-to-earth and humorous website since 1997, and currently manages a studio in Seattle called Soundhouse Recording.

Angle Of Attack

  1. Salvation
  2. X-Echo 1
  3. Create What You Fear
  4. Folks, Let's Nebulate
  5. Big Seth
  6. Sideways Savannah
  7. Find The Key
  8. X-Echo 2
  9. Naive Bid For HM Stardom #2
  10. Angle Of Attack
  11. Time Is Running Out
  12. Post-X
  13. Naive Bid #1
  14. Bold Leaps Of Unreason...

Endino's Earthworm

  1. How Much Time
  2. Talk Yourself Blind
  3. American Nightmare (Revisited)
  4. Someone
  5. Eat Your Friends
  6. See Right Through Me
  7. Inside My Head
  8. Fly on Your Windshield (Demo Version)
  9. Suspension of Disbelief

Permanent Fatal Error

  1. Count Me Out
  2. Strangelove
  3. Elusive
  4. Only Way for Me
  5. Permanent Fatal Error
  6. Follow the Sun
  7. Bait
  8. Reach
  9. Get Out
  10. Van Allen Wrench
  11. Waiting
  12. Schwang
  13. Flight of the Wax Tadpole
  14. Swallow the Acid
  15. Bringing Me Down
  16. Untitled