Sixteen Stone - 1994
- Everything Zen
- Swim
- Bomb
- Little Things
- Comedown
- Body
- Machinehead
- Testosterone
- Monkey
- Glycerine
- Alien
- X-Girlfriend
Zen X Four - 1995
- Comedown
- Glycerine
- Everything Zen
- Machinehead
- Comedown
- Bomb
- Glycerine
- Everything Zen
- Little Things
Razorblade Suitcase - 1996
- Personal Halloway
- Greedy Fly
- Swallowed
- Insect Kin
- Cold Contagious
- A Tendancy To Start Fires
- Mouth
- Straight No Chaser
- History
- Synapse
- Communicator
- Bone Driven
- Distant Voices
Deconstructed - 1997
- Everything Zen
- Mouth
- Swallowed
- Synapse
- History
- Personal Halloway
- Bone Driven
- Insect King
- Comedown
- Everything Zen
- In A Lonely Place
The Science Of Things - 1999
- Warm Machine
- Jesus Online
- The Chemicals Between Us
- English Fire
- Spacetravel
- 40 Miles From The Sun
- Prize Fighter
- The Disease Of The Dancing Cats
- Altered States
- Dead Meat
- Letting The Cables Sleep
- Mindchanger
The Golden State - 2001
- Inflatable
- Reasons
- Land Of The Living
- My Engine Is With You
- Out Of This World
- Float
- Solutions
- Head Of Ghosts
- The People That We Love
- Superman
- Fugitive
- Hurricane
Best Of 94-99 - 2004
Disc One
- Everything Zen
- Little Things
- Comedown
- Glycerine
- Machinehead
- Swallowed
- Greedy Fly
- Warm Machine
- The Chemicals Between Us
- Letting The Cables Sleep
- Everything Zen
- Mouth
- Swallowed
Disc 2
- Machinehead
- Greedy Fly
- Warm Machine
- Everything Zen
- The Chemicals Between Us
- Glycerine
- Swallowed
- The One I Love
- Little Things